NVDQ900 Numatic Industrial Dry Vacuum (Twin Motor)- with BA2 Kit 38mm
The NVDQ900 is a Duplex (two motored) machine equipped with Numatics TwinFlo two stage industrial motors. It's manouevrability makes it ideal for numerous trades where it must frequently be moved from place to place while still requiring a large capacity.
• Built to last Structofoam construction to endure years of industrial use
• Ease of transit- fitted with fully directional front castors, large rear wheels and pull handle
• Powerful and efficient- AirFlo filtration directs movement of air to enhance performance Specifications:
• Motor 2xTwinflo
• Power 230V AC 50/60Hz
• Motor Power 2x 960W
• Airflow 96 L/sec
• Suction 2300mm H2O
• Capacity 40L
• Cleaning range 26.8m
• Weight (Machine+Kit) 27.7kg